The cutting chamber is the housing in which the pellets are cut which includes the heated die plate. The pelletizer is coupled to the cutting chamber so that the blades of the Cutter Hub assembly will contact the face of the die plate.
The BKG die plate is designed according to customer requirements and the specified material
Heating is provided electrically or by means of fluid transfer / oil heating
The hydraulic system fully automates the forward feed of the cutter shaft (higher force during startup and step-by-step reduction down to minimum force during regular production). This assures a constant production because the optimum application pressure is reproducible
The blades at the die plate can be re-ground smooth and sharp to balance the blade wear occurring during production, to guarantee that the cutter maintains optimal contact with the cutting surface of the die plate, and to ensure pellet cut quality
BKG pelletizers are equipped with a flexible shaft head upon which the cutter assembly is mounted. This arrangement compensates for any misalignment between the cutter assembly and the die plate cutting surface